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Simplification and streamlining makes jobs better, not redundant

An HR leader investigating how time is spent in her organisation says a crucial part has been convincing employees the process is about helping them work at their "highest agency", and not about making roles redundant.

General Mills Australia is now two years into a three-year simplification process that aims to unlock 20% more capacity for its people, and ANZ HR director Shontel Turner says employees are clearly on board.

From the start, thanks to experience in previous organisations, Turner was "very conscious" that having a C-suite leader turn up and say, "We're going to map everything you do", creates fear.

People naturally think, "Am I going to lose my job if I say the wrong thing?", she tells HR Daily.

Therefore, the project started with mapping the leadership team first, and having plenty of upfront communication that ensured employees understood what the project was – and wasn't – trying to do...

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