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'Burnout basics' overlooked and underutilised

It's not new to say middle managers are experiencing high rates of burnout, but employers are failing to implement some of the most simple, effective prevention and mitigation strategies, an expert says.

One such strategy is basic workload management, leadership coach and psychologist Margie Ireland tells HR Daily.

A manager might ordinarily know how to handle their workload, prioritise tasks, delegate responsibilities, and break projects into smaller, more manageable steps – they might have been doing it well for years – but if they're starting to experience burnout, "they're not thinking well, they're not thinking straight", she says.

That same manager might, for a time, need help working out what they can prioritise and what they can delegate, despite having done it well in the past. If the person overseeing them assumes otherwise, they could overlook a potentially simple way to reduce the manager's stress levels...

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