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Strong offboarding turns ex-employees into advocates

Offboarding is a unique opportunity to collect honest feedback from employees when they have "nothing to lose", but it's often "glossed over" by HR, a people leader says.

The offboarding process is an important part of the employee lifecycle, and it should involve a detailed handover, processing the final payroll, exit interviews, and letting the organisation's broader community know about the change, says Employment Hero people and culture business partner Lauren Berry.

In particular, exit interviews offer a crucial touchpoint, because employees have many reasons why they are leaving and "a conversation that is open and friendly, but frank, can help you understand some areas you might need to focus on", she tells HR Daily.

"Doing exit interviews often will allow you to pick up trends. Remember, while you want specific information from an individual, it's important to see if there are any commonalities to why people are leaving – this is where your focus should then be"...

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