Upcoming webinar: Respect@Work, going beyond compliance

Brett Feltham, King & Wood Mallesons
Brett Feltham, King & Wood Mallesons

Although Respect@Work legislation has been in place for some time, employers' responses vary greatly on the spectrum between non-compliance and best practices.

Join us at this HR Daily Premium webinar, to lift your organisation's game on this critical issue.

King & Wood Mallesons' senior consultant Brett Feltham will discuss:

  • how to comply with the positive duty;
  • preventing sexual harassment, via leadership, risk management, culture and knowledge;
  • responding to sexual harassment, via reporting, support and monitoring;
  • interaction with positive work health and safety duties; and
  • the expanded role of the Australian Human Rights Commission in addressing workplace sexual harassment and discrimination.

Attending this webinar counts as one CPD hour.

About the presenter:

King & Wood Mallesons senior consultant Brett Feltham is a Law Society of New South Wales accredited specialist with more than 25 years' experience advising on employment, workplace relations, discrimination and workplace health and safety issues.

He regularly advises clients on complex and strategic employment matters, including C-suite level terminations. He also has particular expertise in relation to cross-border employment arrangements, and all aspects of executive remuneration and employee equity and cash incentive arrangements.

Brett is the Co-Chair of the Law Society of NSW's Employment Law Committee and has a leading role in lobbying and advocating on employment issues on behalf of the legal profession and more generally.

Brett has delivered previous webinars for HR Daily on topics including flexible work requests, psychological injury risks, restructures and redundancies, fixed-term contracts, and the 'HR hot spots' series since 2018.

Visit the King & Wood Mallesons website or follow Brett on LinkedIn.